Saturday, July 9, 2011


A story that ran across the "proctologist" wire recently is about a craze in China where they feel the need to make their pets look like exotic animals. It's the latest trend for owners to take their dogs to grooming parlours where they are not only given a shampoo and trim, but a multi-coloured dye job to make Fido look like a wild animal.

Meet Simba....errr....uh....Rover. Not to be confused with;

And if making your dog look like a tiger or zebra isn't fun enough, how about making Cujo look like a Panda bear:

I guess that's cute and all, if you're Chinese, but doing what's in these next photos seems like it would be downright animal cruelty.

That's just mean right there.

OWNER: Come on, Sox, we're just going to the park.
SOX: Are you sure? You're not trying to trick me to get me to go to that stupid dog parlour are you?
OWNER: Sox, we're just going to the park. I would "never" do that to you. You can sit in the front seat and stick your head out the window.

SOX: Son of a.........!!!!

Let's not put this all on the Chinese though. The good 'ol USA can get it's pet dye on too.

I don't know. I thought putting cute little clothes and hats on your pets was a little much but this is definitely out there. Some pets are ugly enough on their own. They don't need humans making things worse. Then again, some pets might need a little something to keep you from thinking they're part of the laundry.


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