Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Let me first admit that I have not been following the Casey Anthony murder trial. So I don't know if/how the prosecution botched things up like was done in a certain double murder trial some 16 years ago involving some 3rd rate actor from the Naked Gun series. But after learning the results of the Anthony trial today, and hearing the outrage from those who have followed it, I think I can safely come to conclusion that if you want to get away with murder, get your trial on TV.

So the bitch, err I mean, the mother takes the 2 year old child off for 31 days, that's almost a month to you and me. No one ever sees the child alive again, the bitch, I mean, the mother never says anything other than saying the child was with a nanny (that never met them), or at a theme park or the beach, for those 31 days, and then decides to CONFIRM to the 911 operator that the child had in fact been missing for those 31 days instead of all that other stuff she was saying.

The bitch, I mean, mother, also writes an entry into her diary 5 days after the child was missing. Here's what the cunt, I mean bitch...grrr, I mean MOTHER, wrote;

I have no regrets, just a bit worried. I just want for everything to work out OK. I completely trust my own judgment and know that I made the right decision. I just hope that the end justifies the means. I just want to know what the future will hold for me. I guess I will soon see – This is the happiest that I have been in a very long time. I hope that my happiness will continue to grow– I've made new friends that I really like. I've surrounded myself with good people – I am finally happy. Let's just hope that it doesn't change.

WTF does that mean? OK, like I said, I haven't followed any of this and that makes me want to puke.....and drive a jackhammer right through this evil bitch's heart. I'm sorry, I meant to say evil bitch's heart!!!!!

And what is up with these high profile TV jury's? Because it's on TV are they made up of actors? Do they have to do what the script says? Are the TV execs really the ones in charge here? "Ok look, a not guilty verdict will make the ratings go through the roof. Trust us, we've done this before....about 16 years ago."

So what happens now? Does she take up golf to try and find the "real" killer?

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