Saturday, June 16, 2012


From the time we were infants we were always being told not to put things in our mouths. It seems some of us never quite learned that lesson.

Squid ejaculates into woman's mouth.

Apparently while the woman was dining on this partially cooked Korean delicacy, Mr. Cephalopod, despite his predicament, was still able to manage to blow one last...umm....wad, into this woman's mouth.

OK, first of all, never mind that thing never getting near my mouth, I don't want it in the same area code I'm eating in.

Secondly, I don't know about Korean delicacies, but that looks more like what you'd find on a Klingon Bird of Prey. "waH parHa uSgheb" translated from Klingon, "tastes like chicken". Wash it down with a little Romulan Ale and you're good to go.

With all the interbreeding that science messes with, donkey + horse = mule, honey bees + African bees = killer bees, horse + man = centaur, I mean, we already have fish + woman = mermaid, now we've got horny squid going after a woman. Maybe aliens don't really exist except for the ones we're creating right here on earth.

I'm talking about the squid baby, not Will Smith.