Saturday, June 25, 2011


Sign, sign, everywhere a sign,
Blocking out the scenery breaking my mind,
Do this, don't do that,
Can't you read the sign....

I think just about everyone has heard that song before. Written by the Five Man Electrical Band in 1970 and climbing to #3 on the Billboard charts, "Signs" is about intolerance and exclusion with signs going up all around telling people what they can and can't do, what's acceptable in this establishment and what is not, where you can go and where you can't. Written in an era of social and political change, the song (40 years later) still fits in with today's hustle and bustle world.

Today, signs are more prevalent than ever with billboards littering major thoroughfares, signs warning you of street construction, lane changes, where to turn, and where to stop. All kinds of businesses put their signs up, trying to draw in as many customers as they can. 40 years after that song was written, there's still signs telling people what to do and where to go.

Unfortunately, even the signs sometimes get a little confused.

Then there's signs that could really use some education or at least a decent spellchecker.

Maybe if signs could think.

There's signs that warn you of the dangers this world has to offer.

How about a sign that tells your fortune?

Crap!! I guess I better not move to that street.
Restaurants aren't opposed to signs either.

There's signs that are probably a good idea.

You may be laughing at some of this, but drowning is not a laughing matter.....even if the sign says to.

Signs need some time off too.

Yes, we have no bananas, but we do have;

Not into fruit? How about......

Or you could always just read a book.

And don't think the police won't use a sign.

Of course, to help pay for a new toilet they're going to have to find a way to generate some cash.

"Do you know why I pulled you over? I clocked you doing 10¼ in a 9½ zone. Driver's license and registration."

Probably not the best ad a furniture store has come up with...

How about a little innuendo?

And finally, businesses are always trying to promote their service as being the best.

And the sign said you got to have a membership card to get inside,

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