This advocacy group (CSPI) claims that McDonald's practices unfair and deceptive marketing by offering toys in Happy Meals, and that McDonald’s use of toys to lure children creates bad eating habits, putting them at risk for developing obesity and diabetes and sending them down a path of diet-related illnesses for the rest of their lives.
Man...where do I start? First of all, you'll probably never find me at a McDonald's...unless I'm renting a Redbox movie. I have never liked any of their burgers other than the Filet-o-Fish, and even that is hard to swallow. I guess their chicken nuggets are OK. So if this group wants to bad-mouth their food saying it contributes to obesity, diabetes, gives you leprosy, makes alien babies burst out of your stomach, hey, maybe they don't like the food either. I get that. Also, you can make similar claims to just about any fast food joint on the planet, or any restaurant for that matter. McDonald's is also not the only place that offers toys in their meals for children. Just off the top of my head, Burger King and Jack-in-the-Box do too. Not to mention places that have the colors and coloring sheet for the kiddos, kids eat free and all that jazz.
Now let's get to the good stuff.
“McDonald’s is the stranger in the playground handing out candy to children.
It’s a creepy and predatory practice that warrants an injunction.”
Wow! Talk about creepy. I need to call a proctologist just to see how far up one's butt one can get one's head. Where do you come up with toilet thinking like this? How long has McDonald's been putting these toys in their Happy Meals? And you people are just now having a problem with it? And how are they not going after Toys R Us? My God man, they have a whole freaking store full of toys to entice children!!! Are you serious? Did the Hamburglar steal your kid's toy out of his/her Happy Meal? This smells of some no-name bunch of spineless wonders trying to get free publicity. That's usually how this crap works these days.
"McDonald's only cares about making money."
Really? Last time I checked, if you have a business it's probably wise to make money in it. What's the point of having a business that doesn't keep you in business? Unless you're a bank or car maker that is. If that's the case, our wonderful president will write you a big fat check and use my money to cover it. But that's for another blog.
Like I said, I don't like McDonald's but I hope they go after and destroy this crap advocacy group and wipe these twisted maggot feeders from the face of the planet to keep them from wasting our time with garbage like this. What's next, are you going to sue for the coffee being too hot? Oh, right, been there done that.
Hey Center for Science in the Public Interest, whatever the hell that means, if you don't like McDonald's, don't go, like me. And it's obvious they haven't been or they'd know there's no way any kid will be sent "down a path of diet-related illnesses for the rest of their lives" because everybody knows that parent buys the Happy Meal, kid takes 2 bites of it, plays with crappy toy 'til parent takes it away and demands that they finish their Happy Meal, kid takes another bite, and off to the freaking playground they go. 70% of the food from the Happy Meal ends up in the trash (which is where CSPI and their lawsuit need to go) and the toy ends up lost under the seats of the car for the next 6 months.
McDonald's is a business. They advertise their business just like any successful business does. Parents have kids. If a parent is taking their kids to McDonald's 3 or 4 times a week, how is that McDonald's fault? A fast food joint is like a stranger at a playground handing out candy? WHAT? How can a group of people, especially a group with a fancy, schmancy name like The Center for Science in the Public Interest, how can they not see what idiots they're being, how completely stupid they look? How do they think anyone is going to take them seriously? What a freaking joke! Common sense is just about dead.
Hey CSPI, your proctologist has your results. Guess what he found?
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