Sunday, June 20, 2010


OK, I'm going to try this blog thing again. I did one about 5 years ago that was weather related, tropical weather to be exact, and it was OK, I guess. I mean, I did a lot of writing about hurricanes (it was during the record smashing 2005 hurricane season), but I doubt there was anyone out there reading. Just a hurricane nut doing it for my own pleasure. Of course, I didn't know much about blogs then, what the purpose was, how to get anybody to read it or any of that stuff. I think it's safe to say I still don't know much about it, especially with all the avenues to communicate electronically that there are now, Facebook and Twitter, to name a couple.

"Your Proctologist Called, He Found Your Head" will be a blog mostly about me observing people doing the stupid, moronic, idiotic things they do. Things that really "grind my gears." (Hey, Grind My Gears would have been a good name for my blog but I don't want to infringe on Family Guy.) Society has lost it's grasp on common sense. So much so that common sense isn't so common any more. People do stupid things, and I guess they always have, but it seems like they have a whole lot more arrogance to go along with their stupidity these days. In this age of multi-tasking, people just can't do it, but they think they can! Reality is that more and more people seem unable to walk and chew gum at the same time much less try to talk on a cellphone and drive at the same time. And then when they do do something idiotic, they think it's the norm and look at you like you're the crazy one. It's like people are walking around with their head's up their butts, hence why a proctologist is the one finding one's head and why this blog will carry that name.

This blog will be about me trying to shine my little spotlight on things that just don't make a whole lot of sense. We all do dumb things from time to time, but people with sense realize they do something dumb, feel embarrassed or what have you. I'll be talking about people who can't see how moronic they are, who don't realize what idiot jerkfaces they are. Things that people do, or can't do, that just make you shake your head and say, "what the hell are you thinking?"

Of course it isn't always going to be about idiots. I might throw something in here about sports from time to time, like the Astros, who are pretty painful to watch right now so they could definitely qualify for this blog. Or just something I don't particularly care for like, American Idol. I'll try not to make it a blog about me just complaining about everything or acting like I'm judging people. Not trying to go there with it. People are funny too, even when they aren't trying to be, and I'm always down for a good laugh. But stupid people, and you know who you are.........ok, maybe you don't know who you are.....just beware. I'm coming after you. The 4th car through the red light runners, the texting while driving people, as well as politicians at all levels, big pharmaceutical, you are all fair game in this blog. If I ever find a way to get people to want to read some of this stuff, there will likely be people offended from time to time. It's OK though because your stupidity is offensive to me so that makes us even.

So that's the plan. Knowing me, there's no telling what it actually turns into, if anything. It certainly isn't going to be a daily thing, especially once football season starts. Just gonna give it a whirl and see if I've actually got anything worthwhile to say, complain about, or whatever else I can dream up, and if there's anyone out there who may find it decent reading material.

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