Thursday, October 1, 2015


Sometimes when I run across these stories I don't know whether to laugh, cry, or just sit there and shake my damn head.

Here's a LINK to the story.

There's a 30 year old woman in North Carolina, we'll call her Jewel Shuping, mainly because that's her name. This woman says in her "very touching" video, that she's always dreamed of being blind, well, at least since she was 6 years old when she remembers staring straight into the sun. And, of course, we've had someone already using their disorder app to give her "condition" a name. It's called "body integrity identity disorder" or BIID.

BIID is a "disease" that causes abled-bodied people to strongly desire a disability. In fact, this woman, Jewel Shuping, felt so strongly about being blind that she had drain cleaner poured into her eyes to get the job done.

If that's not bad enough, she didn't do the actual pouring of the Drano into her peepers. Apparently this woman found a willing PSYCHOLOGIST to drop the Liquid Plumber into her eyeballs.

Now, I've gotten into the calling every little itch you have some kind of disorder before so I won't delve too much into that, but to to call this a disease? Yes, it very much is a disease and the disease is called insanity!!

It's not a damn disease, there's something wrong with these people's brains!!! Their wiring is messed up, too many drugs (probably taken for their bullshit disorder), hit in the head with a shovel, something! How 'bout we concentrate on and fix that instead of this lazy ass crap we do now - calling it some made up disorder and writing a prescription. Well, we do that because Big Pharma rules the planet, also something I've probably covered before.

Then there's the psychologist. This is a person that has a doctorate degree. This is a person who is supposed to have a well functioning brain in their skull, who decides to go ahead and adhere to this crazy woman's wishes and do the deed him/herself, then drive her to the hospital where they try to save her sight. WTF?? This psycho psychologist not only needs to have his/her license stripped, not only needs to serve jail time, but needs to at least have one eye carved out with a butter knife.

There's some messed up people on this planet and as long as Big Pharma has mega-billions of dollars to make selling drugs, there will always be messed up people on this planet with a list of disorders that would reach from this planet to Pluto and back.

I have a strong, deep-seeded desire to be rich and not have to work, so my robbing of banks isn't really a crime at all. No, it's a disease. For you see, I have MBALD (moderate bank account level disorder). Now if I can just find an idiot with a doctor's degree to back me.....

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