Saturday, June 27, 2015


I haven't been around the blogosphere in a while but I just can't stay locked up in the basement any longer.

Let me preface this by saying that I am happy for ANYONE who has found them a partner that they can be with, love, trust, spend a life with, regardless of your sexual orientation, your religious beliefs or your race. Sincerest congratulations to you because that can be a difficult thing to accomplish....for anybody!

If someone pointed a gun to my head, I would say that I am a non-judgmental person. Stop laughing! Now, that doesn't mean I don't have my judging moments, whether joking around which I've been known to do or telling you that people who text while driving are idiots, for example. I mean, I do have issues with stupidity which is why this blog exists, but when it comes to the things that people do, like how they live their lives, who they like or don't, I really don't give a flying pink rat's ass how they live it, as long as they aren't hurting others. If it works for you, more power to you.

My question is....why is it that whatever lifestyle or religion or what have you, that someone, or a group of someones, chooses in life, they feel the need to conform everyone to their ways or need their acceptance? For example, vegans. If you are a vegan and that's the way you feel is best for YOUR life, why are you protesting at the meat market where I'm trying to buy steak? What is the deal with all the anti-meat propaganda, animal cruelty BS, rallies and protests trying to get EVERYONE to get off the meat wagon and go vegan?

That's my problem with these groups. It's not a problem, to me, that they live their lives like they want to, the problem is them not letting me live mine the way I want to. I'm not at the farmer's market leading a protest against people buying vegetables. If you enjoy eating only vegetables, why is it a concern of yours that people eat meat?

If you are homosexual, that's your business, is how I look at it. I don't care if you like country music, I don't care what you eat, I don't care what car you drive, and I damn sure don't care who you sleep with. And why would I? It's none of my damn business, whether it's Jack and Jill or Adam and Steve. Yet we get bombarded almost daily with gay rights, parades and all that jazz. Why? Why is it these groups feel the need to advertise their sexuality to the world, to try to gain someone elses acceptance? And on top of that, label everyone who disagrees with that lifestyle a homophobe? That isn't any different than those who oppose Obama being labeled racists.

This leads me to the recent Supreme Court decision declaring same-sex marriage legal nationwide. That is fantastic news if you are homosexual. It really is. The problem now is, where do you get married? The Justice of the Peace might be an option, getting an internet ordained minister to perform the ceremony at the beach, lake house or something, and all of that is fine. But what about those that are going to want to get married in a church? You know it's coming.

Now I'm just going to take a stab in the dark and assume no one is going to a mosque for a same-sex marriage, but you just know that people are going to want to get married in a church. And here is what's going to happen. First of all, homosexuality is something the Christian God frowns upon. Couldn't tell you how the Muslim, Hindu or Buddist gods feel about it, but I know the Christian God isn't down with it. So when that Christian minister refuses the same-sex couple, fire and brimstone are sure to follow as it hits the fan and Brainwash Inc (the media) starts doing what they do best - getting everyone into a hate-filled frenzy.

Then here comes the protests and riots and the "I thought Christianity was about love and acceptance and turning the other cheek, blah, blah, blah". Next thing you know, the church probably has to shut down, if it doesn't get burned down first, and the preacher has to move to another state.

Again, if you are homosexual and you want to marry the same-sex, which is now legal, then why do you feel the need to force that on those that don't have your beliefs? You know Christianity doesn't support that, and as I mentioned before, you damn sure aren't going to a mosque, so why even try it? I just don't get why you feel everyone should support what you do. You know the Christian church doesn't support homosexuality, yet if it's the last thing you do, your are going to take that church down if they don't marry you.

I support anyone's decision to live their lives they way they want. That doesn't mean I have to support what that decision is. Again, I'm not going to a vegan restaurant and demanding they serve me ribs. I know they won't so I'm not going there.

And while everyone is celebrating the Supreme Court's decision about same-sex marriage, what is QUIETLY being brushed under the rug is the total disregard for state's rights. Again, I don't care one way or the other about who any one marries, but I DO care about the Constitution of the United States. And here we have a classic example of state's rights being tossed aside.

I know that because of years of media brainwash and their need to keep racism alive, that this will come as a shock to some, but about 150 years ago there was this nasty little war that broke out over - state's rights. Now, I'm in no way, shape, or form saying that the Confederacy is about to make a comeback because of this. I AM saying, however, that there goes one more piece of our freedoms and liberties, that no one is batting an eye about, because they did this in a way to give a group of people what they wanted, get everybody celebrating, blow up the reactions to those opposed and of course, if you do oppose it, then you have phobia issues. Chipping away at our freedoms and liberties one little battle at a time, and by the time everyone is through celebrating those little individual battles, the war on freedom will be over, and we the people, will have lost.

Might be a good time to learn Chinese.

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